

Click the "Donate" button to bring up our donation screen - there are three (3) levels of giving, plus an open field where you can specify a custom donation amount.

One of BPA's main projects is the Summer Flight Academy, where we introduce exceptional students aged 14 to 19 to the aviation industry and give them the opportunity to learn about private aircraft and becoming a pilot. Donations of any amount are welcome, and donations at the $500 level are particularly helpful in supporting the Flight Academy and the students who attend.

A donation at the $150 level helps to support our annual Flying Competition, Skyhook, which is held in Pine Bluff, Arkansas every year. A donation at this level will help to defray some of the costs of "Young Eagle Flights" in cooperation with the local EAA Chapter and enable BPA members to take children who attend Skyhook for flights after the competition.

A donation at the $60 level effectively donates a membership to a deserving young adult or recently graduated student who is pursuing aviation or an aviation-related career.


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Website by Vismay Patel.